Sunday, March 27, 2022
Tone 7 / Eothinon 7
Third Sunday of Great Lent
Schedule of Upcoming Services:
Wednesday March 30 6:30pm Presanctified Liturgy
Friday April 1 6:30pm Readers Akathist
Saturday April 2 5pm Readers Vespers
Sunday April 3 9:05 am Readers Matins
10am Typica with Communion with Dn Lucian serving
5pm Lenten Vespers at St George, Fishers
Parish Work Days: We have several work days coming up to take care of deep cleaning and other projects ahead of Lenten Vespers, Holy Week, and Pascha. These will be on April 9, and April 16. Contact Katya Alexeeva, Bobbi Cornelius, or Amal Hanania for more information.
Food For Hungry People: This year during Lent we will be raising money for the 48th annual Archdiocesan Food For Hungry People & Charitable Outreach drive. There will be boxes available in the Narthex for everyone to take home and put their spare change and savings gained from fasting into as alms for this very worthy program, to be turned in at or immediately after Pascha. Once collected, the parish will be sending one check to the Archdiocese in the amount collected.
Lenten Vespers: On April 10, we will be hosting a Lenten Vespers as part of the annual Lenten rotation between parishes in Central Indiana. Dn James Childs will be giving the homily afterwards, and we will be hosting a light Lenten supper following. Keep your eyes and ears open for updates either in the bulletin or via email.