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(Edit) This weekend at St Mary of Egypt & Beyond (Sept 12, 13 &14)



As father mentioned - the Archdiocese is allowing us to move the Feast of the Elevation of the Holy Cross from Monday to Sunday you that the whole parish can be there.  

Saturday September 12  Great Vespers served by Father Athanasius

Sunday September 13  we will celebrate the Feast of the Elevation of the Holy Cross

   Festal Matins at 8:50am served by Fr Gabriel

   Divine Liturgy at 10am served by Father Athanasius followed by the          procession of the Holy Cross

This is a beautiful service.  Please try to attend.  

There will NOT be a service Monday morning since we have transferred the feast to Sunday

Saturday September 12: Great Vespers at 5pm with Fr Athanasius serving. Fr Athanasius will hear confessions after Vespers. (Father will also hear confession during the week by appointment)

Sunday September 13: Matins at 8:50am, Divine Liturgy at 10am with Fr Gabriel serving. Please let Bobbi or me know if you are coming Sunday. As a reminder, we continue to keep our safe distancing (6 ft apart).  Masks are also required except when receiving communion. Bobbi seats people upon arrival.  Overflow seating is in the Fellowship Hall and Narthax as well. 

Please make an effort to attend as many of the services as you can.

Sunday Divine Liturgy is also live streamed for those who are unable to atten

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