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This weekend at St Mary of Egypt (August 22 & 23)


Saturday August 22  Great Vespers cancelled

Sunday August 23 Matins 8:50am, Divine Liturgy 10am with Fr Gabriel Monforte serving.  Following the Liturgy Fr Athanasius will have a memorial service for his beloved Kh. Loretta.

Please email me back or text me  if you plan to attend on Sunday. 

The seating in the Nave has been rearranged so the choir can be on one side together. We continue to keep our safe distancing (6 ft apart). Masks are also required except when receiving communion. Bobbi seats people upon arrival. Overflow seating is in the Fellowship Hall and Narthax as well. We had 34 people total last Sunday while maintaining the safe distancing and could have seated more.

Other News from St Mary of Egypt

Disaster in Beirut: Thank you for the generous donations for the disaster assistance in Beirut Lebanon.  I sent a check from the church for $1,085.00 this week.  By the way, thankfully our relatives and friends in Lebanon were not injured but did sustain a lot of damage to their homes.  Thank you again for all the prayers and for those who reached out to me to check in.

Outreach to ISOM Elementary School: Now that school is back in session, Eve will be delivering our canned goods and nonperishables each Tuesday to the school.  The school will distribute the food to needy families. .  You can bring your donated food to church on Sundays and place them in the basket in the Narthex.  Please check that the items you bring are not expired and that the cans are not dented. Thank you,


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