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Letter to the Parish


My dear family in Christ,

I hope and pray that you are all well, and like me looking forward to a return to normalcy.  Our hearts go out to all in this world who in fear are facing the unknown of this  pandemic.  May the good and loving Lord in his great mercy send his grace to all.  For those families that have lost loved ones may they find strength in the Lord.  I hope with you that the present church service restrictions that Metropolitan Joseph, with pain in his heart for all, has given us will be soon lifted. 

Until then we will continue to stream the Sunday liturgy. It has greatly pleased me to see that the larger churches have continued streaming their services. So tonight on this feast day of the Annunciation, though we will not be streaming it, they will be offering it to us. Please read Metropolitan Josephs' letter and like me you will thank God that he has given us such a leader. We will all get through this and be stronger in our faith because of it for as St. Paul wrote, "I am convinced that nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.". (Rom: 8-39). Please as, I pray for you, pray for me.

In the love of Christ,

Fr. Athanasius.

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