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Attendance of Church following May 8th.


My beloved family in Christ.  "Christ is risen." I look forward to the day when we can all be together in worship again as I know you do as well.  I am writing to you as we implement together the Governor's lifting on May 8th.of restrictions on religious assemblies   We are still asked to keep the six feet social distancing which really limits the number we can accommodate for worship.  Keith Nystrom, our Parish Council Chairman, and I will meet tomorrow morning to figure out how many of us will be able to attend.  We will not be able to have our Social Hour for obvious reasons, but some of us can watch the service from the Social Hall and I will bring the Eucharist to those in the hall wishing to commune.  Those of our members who have low immune tolerance should probably not attend, but that I leave up to you.  There will be space for a few in the Narthex (Entrance hall) ,and within  limits, families may sit or stand together.   But what we need from you urgently is to let us know if you are planning on attending.  If you desire to wear a mask during the service do so. I need to emphasize that I am still awaiting  Metropolitan Joseph's guidelines which hopefully will be out today. Please let me know by e-mail or message whether you plan to attend at  I pray to our merciful Lord that all of us may soon by his grace be together again and that he protect all of us from this COV 19 virus.

In Christ's love,

Fr. Athanasius

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