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A Message From Father Athanasius


My beloved family in Christ, today is our feast day of St. Mary of Egypt.  I am not going to write of her now, as she will be the subject of my homily this Sunday.  I am so pleased to see that you have been tuning in to our streaming of the liturgy.  I spoke to one of our parishioners today and she told me that she and her husband observed last Sunday by not changing their Sunday morning routine. They fasted before the liturgy, they dressed as if they were going to the liturgy.  They lit candles and placed an icon between them.  I think this is an excellent idea.  I have been desirous of sending you some inspirational messages to help us get through this virus attack, but we are receiving this daily on our phones or computers and they are much better than I could write.  You might search out the All Saints link as i hear that Fr. Peter is daily streaming out his messages.  I know how difficult it must be for all of you, as it is for me, to enter into the spirit of the lenten fast. I have been reading Scripture and the prayers of the saints to keep myself going as well as watching Orthodox U tube videos;  and of course, more time for prayer.  I want to thank Mark for his classes on Zoom and all who have called or e-mailed me to see how I am doing.  I have such a good feeling about all of you because you are proving that our family bonds in Christ are stronger than anything this world can throw at us.  

So far, I have not received any information about holy week services from the Metropolitan but it should be arriving soon.  Please follow the recommendations of the Governor and Mayor.  Take all recommended precautions aa directed.  I just heard a few minutes ago that the virus is not the "invisible enemy" any longer.  they know what it looks like.  They can now try all known medications to develop a cure.  Thanks be to God.  May He who formed us in our Mother's womb, Christ our God, and called us from that darkness into this miraculous life keep all of us safe and well.

In the love of Jesus Christ for all of you;

Father Athanasius

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